Every seed matters

End Care Patients

I have found there is nothing more lovely than to sit and spend time with “WISE ONES” Geese form a V formation in flight. Two Geese at all times drop from the front to help the elderly and weak.

The elderly are wise in counsel and full of experience. Knowledge radiates from them. And if you are wise you shall glean from this. I noted a need for companionship for the elderly. They spend a lot of time indoors alone. I understood that and having communicated with the Holy spirit, He gave me a great strategy to impart his care in a way that was not costly but to give long-lasting seeds to them for free. The keys are TIME, ART, OUTINGS, A LISTENING EAR. This started with a lady called Lolita, She often waved at me through her top floor flat window. She was lonely. I went to see her and found her husband had passed away. She was in transition. She barely had anything. And was stuck indoors. So we started out on days out. This turned into many, her in her wheelchair. To keep this short. One day I noted she looked unwell. I saw Green all down one side of her face and body. I did not understand at that point what that was as I was still very young in the Lord. As I left I had an uneasy feeling. later that day I called back. She was on the floor. By the doorway. We called the ambulance but they could not access the flat as she lay across it. Later at the hospital is confirmed she has had a huge stroke. Within one year she was ready to go to the Lord. I will spare the details. But She passed over. This was the beginning of to date 5 assignments of transition.

Between the 5 end care patients, I’ve had the pleasure of loving on and sharing their last days with. Plus the many who are with disability. We shared sunsets together by the sea, Meals, Art sessions and cinema treats. Often we would spend Hours just out sitting enjoying FREEDOM. enjoying the sun the wind and the outdoors without doing much at all. Just being together. I have great memories of this.

The hardest part was seeing my friends go to glory, On one hand, celebrated as we would reunite one day but on the other already mourning the loss of our friendship. Each time Father quickened to me his word. so that i understood loss. That I could glory in their safe passage. I believe one of the greatest gifts you can give another person is your time. And we were blessed with that.

Let us see from their eyes, These wise ones once saw wars and survived. They lived through many changes. They were and are living testaments to the cycle of life.

Pretty much a blueprint from Father of the cycle of being born having lived and once again winding down to be translated on to a greater place. The elderly are preparing for transition and they deserve the very best of care. They are Heaven’s masterpiece in the cycle of life.

Disabled – chronically ill

This was a great opportunity to gather those going through tough times and to lead them. I was given the opportunity from Seedbed an organisation in Liverpool to give an idea of where we could incorporate people and the Church. Instantly I knew… Father gave a plan.

We started monthly meetings for two years in two churches. for the sick. We invited guest Psalmists each month who came out to sing for them and we incorporated art as in Exodus 31. It was paramount we used things God has already provided. For example. Wood, Glass jars, Upcycling items. With that, we were able to use these things in art form. Creating LOVING SEEDS from God’s word. I went to visit one of the end care friends In her home. It was full of GODS SEEDS. All that she had hand made. It blessed my heart to see that as she was indoors She could see God’s word in the art form, all over her home. These were LIFE SEEDS. Encouragements. Blessings.

We travelled with God’s favour to the cinema, 15 or more of us, we enjoyed days trips and many meals. This was all very inexpensive and done in God’s wisdom. Alongside faithful people who loved and supported those who could not walk well. It was His strategy for those to be able without being pressured for finances.,if you use wisdom to orchestrate like this many are blessed but without too much cost! This was his KINGDOM Strategy. I have fond memories of this.


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